Varicocele Treatment

Varicocele Treatment at International Andrology

A varicocele is a condition where veins become enlarged inside your scrotum (the pouch of skin that holds your testicles).

Varicoceles form during puberty, and can grow larger and easier to notice over time. Varicoceles are more common on the left side of the scrotum. This is because the male anatomy isn’t the same on both sides. Varicoceles can exist on both sides at the same time, but this is rare. About 10 to 15 boys out of 100 have a varicocele. For a better understanding of the condition please watch the video below.

Most men with a varicocele show no symptoms. But varicoceles are a concern for many reasons. Some may cause infertility or problems fathering a child and slow growth of the left testicle during puberty. Varicoceles may also lead to fertility problems in 4 out of 10 men facing difficulty fathering their first child. They may also be the cause of fertility problems in about 8 out of 10 wishing to father a second child. In many cases, they cause pain.

Varicoceles are found through self-exam of the scrotum or during a routine doctor’s exam. They’ve been described as a “bag of worms” because of how they look and feel.

I might be suffering from a varicocele, what should I do next?

If you are suffering or suspect that you are suffering from varicocele, we advise you too book an appointment see a specialist Urologist/Andrologist.

Because Varicocele can have various degrees of severity and can affect you sperm health it is important that a comprehensive evaluation is carried out.

Our doctors extensive experience diagnosing and treating of varicocele and our clinic is an international referral centre for patients suffering from the condition. During the consultation, your doctor will examine you and your medical history thoroughly, establishing a tailored diagnosis and help you to treat this.

Varicocele surgery Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the operation take?

All our varicocele correction surgeries are daycare and take between 1 and 2 hours of operating time. This means that the whole process (from admission to discharge from the clinic) takes roughly 6 hours, after which you may leave the clinic.

Do I need general anaesthesia?

Yes, the operation is performed under general anaesthesia. Modern-day care surgery requires light anaesthesia and since our operations are minimally invasive, it is very unlikely that there will be any complications.

You are put to sleep just before the operation starts and wake up just after the surgeon finishes, so in total, you will be under anaesthesia for around 2 hours.

How long do I need to stay in the hospital for?

After the operation you will need to stay in the hospital for 3-4 hours. During this time you will be attended by our nurse, be provided with something to eat, monitored by your surgeon and once these checks are complete, be ready to leave. You will be able to walk and function normally, usually with very little pain or discomfort.

I am travelling from abroad – how long do I need to stay for follow up after my surgery?

The day after your operation, you will have a follow-up appointment in our office consultation with your surgeon to check on your recovery progress. After this and if your doctor gives you the all clear, most patients can travel.

What do I need to do to prepare for the operation?

Nothing, although following a healthy lifestyle (in terms of diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption) the preceding month is advised since this will assist in your recovery. You will be provided with detailed fasting instructions to follow 6 hours before the surgery. However, if you have fallen ill or there are any other recent health concerns, make sure you inform your patient co-ordinator as soon as possible so as to evaluate whether the surgery would proceed. If there are any other tasks required to do pre-operatively, your doctor will inform you during your consultation.

What is the cost of the surgical treatment?

Surgical treatment costs will depend on the type of operation, the medical items required and the specific circumstances of each patient. Following your consultation and if you are a candidate for a surgical treatment, an all-inclusive cost will be quoted (covering medical material, hospital fees, anaesthetist fees and surgeon’s fee and follow up consultations).

How experienced are your surgeons?

Our surgeons are focusing exclusively on male urogenital surgery and each one performs on average more than 300 genital operations per month. In fact, we are an international referral centre and patients travel from all over the world for consultations and operations in our clinic.

Equally important is the fact that as an international network of andrology practices, we have developed very strict and state of the art surgical protocols and have monthly sessions during which our surgeons share their experiences and discuss difficult cases hence constantly sharing and improving surgical techniques.

What are your success rates?

We define our surgical success rate in two ways:

  • No major complications;

  • Complete repair of the varicocele.

Based on this criteria, our varicocele surgery success rate is more than 99%.

Do you have any patient testimonials?

Yes. We have extensive patient testimonials (published anonymously here) and we can also put you in contact with individual patients either via phone or email if you would like to know more about their surgical experience in our clinic.

What do I need to do after the surgery?

The day after your operation, you need to attend a consultation with your surgeon, during which he will give you detailed post-operative instructions, change your medical dressing and answer any questions that you might have.

After that and until your next in office consultation (usually a month later) your surgeon and our patient co-ordination team will be in close contact with you asking for regular updates and also addressing any concerns you might have.

How long do I need to take of work in order to have the surgery?

Most patients can return to next day after their operation assuming. If your work involves heavy physical activity, then you may need a bit longer off work.

How long after the surgery can I resume with sexual activity?

Sexual activity can resume 2-3 weeks after your surgery, unless your surgeon advises otherwise.

Will I experience pain after the operation?

Some mild pain can be expected but this can be countered with over the counter oral painkillers.
